Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why I hate "some" people in Dallas

Why I hate “some” people in Dallas.

First of all I have compassion for other people’s feelings, but…when I look around the great city of Dallas, Texas, the city I call home, I can’t help but get really pissed off.

Here is the type of people I want to kick in the face:

The hipster at White Rock Coffee who is too hip to be sitting at Starbucks, I’m sure you’ve seen him before.  The guy with a pair of Buddy Holly glasses above a grimy beard, sporting a fedora and a flannel shirt from Urban Outfitters, simultaneously working on a tablet and IPhone in an orchestrated display of douche bagginess.

The “I’m entitled to everything” trophy wife from University Park in her Mercedes SUV who takes tennis lessons from a young Hispanic man, because she loves his company. 

The Uptown $50,000 millionaires, sitting on the patio cafes on McKinney Ave, trying to be something they’re not.  The gang banger wannabes at the DART train stations with their pants below their ass, showing the world where their brains really are.

 And my favorite… (Drum roll)….the asshole who cuts me off on 635 without using a signal!

And that is why I hate “some” of the people in Dallas.


Love Always-

Danny Keaton – Standup Comedian

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