Friday, October 14, 2011

What ever happened to "Customer Service?"

Remember when, back in the day, if you had a problem with a service you could call a one-eight hundred number, "toll-free," no long distance charges and an actual person would answer and say "This is Judy, how may I help you?"

Now in the 21st century, the age of rapid communication and technology, if you call a customer service number you get the automated customer service recording! After you have wasted 5 minutes of going through 8 different prompts, even pressing zero to get a "customer service representative" only to be scolded by the recorded voice saying "that's not a valid entry!"...if you do get a human being on the line, its someone you can NOT understand or they can not understand you!

Before I do business with any company, insurance, cable, cell phone, etc, I'm going to call their customer service number, if a computer answers then I am hanging up and taking my business to a company who cares about their customers and uses actual human beings.

Danny Keaton